"Título: Entender el proceso de registro de marcas"

El registro de una marca es un trámite imprescindible para los que intenta salvaguardar su imagen de marca. Garantiza exclusividad y evita que otros la empleen de manera no autorizada. Además de eso, el registro de marcas demuestra la posesión de la identidad de marca, previniendo discusiones legales relacionadas a propiedad more info intelectu

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Brand Registration: How To Protect Your Business Identity

Whether you're a small business owner just starting out or an established company, registering your brand is an important aspect. The task of securing your brand identity may seem daunting at first, but it's not as complicated as it appears to be. If you equip yourself with the correct knowledge and follow a structured plan, trademark protection

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INPI Branding Search - An Overview

The process of brand search in INPI is an integral part of a business's branding strategy. Brazil's National Institute of Industrial Property, INPI, offers a facilitative mechanism for enterprises to find their desired brands. Performing a brand search is essential for affirming that the brand name you are pondering upon is not registered before.

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